Because of technology changes, man get easier services all over the world. Truck or pickup is very essential for our daily life. But it is very difficult to find truck when we need. It is also a painful and hassle to go to truck stand. And we don’t know the truck driver. Truck Lagbe has created a new dimension starting app based truck service “Truck Lagbe”
Cargo ship,truck,forklift with cargo container and flying airplane.
What is Truck Lagbe?
Truck Lagbe is mobile base APP where you can get transport service. It will provide you the link of truck owner or truck agency. By this APP you can hire truck anywhere in the country.
The Mission of Truck Lagbe:
Enayet Rashid and Mir Hossain Ikram started this idea in Bangladesh. The main goal was to make a bridge between the truck owner and service recipient. It has also aim to improve the life quality of truck drivers. This is a great initiative and work.
Starting Time and award wining:
Truck Lagbe is now very popular and trusted to everyone in Bangladesh. Two friends started Truck Lagbe in December, 2017. It also has won the “Startup Challenge” award organized by the Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the Bangladesh Government. It is a great achievement that they achieved first place among 20 innovative projects. And in September, 2018, they have launched App of Truck Lagbe. Now it is very reputed truck service provider. It also has won “Best Innovation” Award in October 2018.
How does Truck Lagbe work?
It is very simple process and very easy to use this app. But it is little bit different from others because it does not take profit share from anyone. it is totally free for both users. When you need a truck, you will just contact with truck driver or owner by our App. Your details will reach to he near truck driver or owner. Then both of them come to a final deal.
Total Truck for rent:
It is now in very big position. They started their journey by 36 truck but now it is total more than 50,000 truck all over the country. Now thwy have big three storeyed office in Dhaka. They are very reliable to everyone. They did everything free.
Who can use this App?
It is for all and anyone can use this App for his daily life purpose. And if you are a owner of truck then you can register on this app to get your customers. This is a free platform for both customers and truck drivers. It is App based truck service all over the country.
Web: Truck Lagbe – Fast and affordable truck & pickup hiring app
Hotline : +8809638000245